
Rules of operation of Website datingz.top

  1. 1. Rules about nicknames - personal accounts:
    • 1.1 Registering to join the website datingz.top is completely free. Your access email will be registered if it does not overlap with the access emails that have been previously available. With your account, you must agree not to give your account to anyone else, for any reason or purpose. And you also agree not to use another person's account to participate. The person who declares the account will be fully responsible for the activities of the account that he owns and performs on datingz.top.
    • 1.2 All members must use personal information fully, seriously and accurately.
    • 1.3 Nickname must have at least 2 letters, maximum 20 letters.
    • 1.4 The given name must not be the same as a political name.
    • 1.5 Nicknames must not be used to cause misunderstandings or hatred towards individuals or organizations.
    • 1.6 If a member is found to be using personal information in an unscrupulous or fraudulent manner, they will be immediately dealt with, with the most serious level being account deletion.
    • 1.7 Fraudulent accounts on datingz.top. We will provide necessary information to the authorities.
    • 1.8 You must be over 13 years of age to use this Service.
  2. 2. Rules on avatars and signatures:
    • 2.1 Do not use bad, obscene, advertising, inappropriate, or politically or religiously offensive images as avatars.
    • 2.2 Do not use nicknames that are too complicated or too long. Nickname length should not contain too many characters.
  3. 3. Content of articles and topics when participating in the forum:
    • 3.1 DO NOT create profiles that violate Vietnamese customs, laws, and culture.
    • 3.2 DO NOT create profiles with defamatory, slanderous, obscene content, use vulgar language, or buy and sell - exchange sex and money.
    • 3.3 DO NOT create profiles and intentionally have content that shows disrespect, insults, provocation, arguments, or causes disunity.
    • 3.4 DO NOT create profiles that attack or defame political or religious issues.
    • 3.5 DO NOT create profiles and write articles that violate the law, instruct others to violate the law (eg: instruct on sabotage, theft, hacking, bombing, cracking, copyright infringement...).
    • 3.6 DO NOT send fake, threatening, or terrorist information to others in the chat box.
    • 3.7 DO NOT post in the chat box in bulk, without meaning, with inappropriate content.
    • 3.8 Do NOT intentionally use many misspelled words or distort Vietnamese.
    • 3.9 DO NOT send messages with sensitive content (sex, politics, religion, violence,...) to other members.
  4. 4. Matters related to management and complaints:
    • 4.1 All members, when participating, must comply with the Rules and regulations and the management of the Executive Board.
    • 4.2 The handling of violating content will be carried out by the Executive Board. In case of unclear distinction, the Executive Board will meet and make a decision by majority, and this decision is final.
    • 4.3 To ensure democracy and fairness in the forum, members have the right to send questions and complaints (to the Suggestions section) for the Board of Directors to respond.
  5. 5. General working principles:
    • 5.1 When you register to join the HenHo Website, it is considered that you have AGREEED to these rules, in addition to the general rules for the entire system.
    • 5.2 Behave in a civilized and polite manner in the forum. The Board of Directors encourages members to make announcements, complaints, and suggestions about posts and members who violate the rules, including members of the Board of Directors.
    • 5.3 Links and images in the forum are posted by members. Members are fully responsible for the content of their posts. Violating information will be deleted without prior notice.